Is IUI an option for couples ?
What is IUI?
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a fertility treatment where sperm are placed directly into a woman’s uterus. During natural conception, sperm must travel from the vagina through the cervix, into the uterus, and up to the fallopian tubes. With IUI, sperm are “washed” and concentrated, and placed directly into the uterus, which puts them closer to the egg.
What can you expect with the treatment?
This process can increase the likelihood of pregnancy in certain couples who have had difficulty getting pregnant by natural conception.
Is this procedure painful?
Occasionally, patients may experience mild to moderate uterine cramps as the catheter is passed through the cervix into their uterus. Sometimes during insertion of the IUI catheter you can cause injury to the cervix causing acute pain, spotting, or bleeding after the procedure. This usually does not happen if you use a soft or ultra-soft catheter, partially full bladder & trans abdominal ultrasound guidance. A little spotting post-procedure will not affect pregnancy rates. But if your catheter has damaged the endometrium to cause bleeding and blood is noticed inside the lumen of the IUI catheter or outside the surface of the IUI catheter, the success rates go down drastically.
Is there a preparation phase?
Women who undergo IUI also usually have to get their ovaries stimulated beforehand to mature eggs and then followed with a trigger shot to release one egg. As part of the next step, the sperm being used must be prepared and only then the insemination can occur.
This stimulation process can take usually between 12-14 days. A blood sample is retrieved usually after 14 days to confirm pregnancy.
Why am I being suggested IUI?
IUI is used most often in couples who have
- Female partner with unexplained infertility.
- Mild endometriosis – related infertility
- Issues with cervical mucus or the cervix.
- Male partners with fertility issues such as
- Mildly decreases sperm motility
- Low sperm count
- Ejaculation issues
- Female partner with ovulation problems such as PCOD
Is this always a successful way of conceiving?
Several factors depend on the success rate of IUI. Few to mention are
- Age of patient
- Duration of infertility
- Causes of infertility
- Number of cycles
- Stimulation protocol
- Timing of insemination
Next steps ?
Please schedule your appointment with Dr. Akhila Anand at Precision Fertility Clinic, Bangalore for a detailed investigation & a custom plan for your fertility treatment.
Neha H
Great Info! Thanks for sharing.
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